Friday, August 24, 2012


THIS IS IN CAPS CAUSE IM FREAKING OUT. THERE ARE GECKOS EVERYWHERE. okay, enough caps cause that could get seriously annoying to the eyes, but I am pretty much yelling. 
I thought I was over my gecko fear (or at least that I could deal with it because they are literally everywhere), but obviously I cannot and I am writing this post in the chandelier kitchen with my feet up because I know there are geckos crawling somewhere. This is a message in distress so pardon my incorrect grammar, terrible writing, etc. 
I saw a baby gecko (maybe 2 inches big) on my bed and literally screamed, freaked out, texted my "besties!" group [hay, its ya girl scared of geckos], and ran out of the room. Since it is a Friday and I only got here Tuesday and have no friends I am chillin alone in the pretty kitchen watching HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF GECKOS ROAM AROUND. Its literally maybe 7:45 pm and pitch black outside. In my wildest nightmares, I wouldn't be watching this. Well, things could be horribly worse but since I have a flair for dramatics we can just roll with this.
Anyways, I texted a bunch of people while I was freaking out and I think my favorite text I sent was: 
"where is my Hawaiian Polynesian The Rock looking boyfriend to help me and be the gecko police? SERIOUSLY I AM A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS"

I also called my father aka "daddygoogle" ...he knows all... and he told me the geckos would NOT get me. All of my friends told me this as well, but coming from my father it is more legitimate as he knows all and literally kept me calm for ten minutes. Thanks Dad...HI!

 I guess I'm just not used to 'island sounds'. The mangos and lilikoi from the trees fall and hit the roof before the ground, the geckos chirp, they crawl places and STAY and freak me the hell out, the wind blows and its way loud, its pitch black...things are just different than life at home. I'll learn to like it. I mean I guess this is the price for living in paradise?

Buuut seriously...HELP. Send aid. Send mosquito netting (I totally cant afford it if peanut butter is $9). Send something. 

with love. with warmest aloha, 

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