Thursday, October 4, 2012

I know why the sky was cloudy and milky! After work yesterday, I went to WalMart to get some conditioner and whatnots before meeting Cindy and her husband, Jason, for dinner at Colleen's. Anyways, at dinner they told me why the sky was milky! Apparently the Big Island has a bunch of active volcanoes and the Vog index is high over there or something along those lines. In case you'd like to know what vog is...

More importantly, Cindy and Jason let me in on the best love story since The Notebook....
Seriously, I don't think I could do it justice in words but long story short: They had a mutual friend who set them up on a blind date, went to Vegas following week and Cindy won $1,000, got married 6 months later in Hawai'i and have been madly in love with each other for the last 11 years. They're perfect for each other! That kind of thing gives me hope. Maybe as I get to know Cindy and her husband, I'll be able to do better justice to their love story. It really is magnetic. Just sitting in Colleen's with all the 'trust funders' and 'mermaids', it was as if there was an electric current all around us. Also, we had an extremely thorough conversation of the utmost interest to many of our fellow diners. I'm CERTAIN that the couple next to us was eavesdropping on us, talking about candles, PO Boxes and belt loops.
 She's hilarious. Seriously a one-woman show. You know those people that crack up at their own jokes RIGHT AFTER the punch line is given? That's Cindy. She has this laugh that is so genuine that you can't even help but to get caught up. I can totally understand why Jason fell in love with her in a week and took her right off the market. SMART MAN. lol...and they have five adopted elephants (that live in Africa)! Cindy posted this link of her baby, Kinango, on my wall. I fell in love: Seriously, CLICK ME.
Anywho, tomorrow I am off! WAHOO! Cindy and I are meeting up early to do whatever we damn well please, as she is off from her job as well.

With warmest aloha,

ps. Clarissa is  K I L L I N G  me with these pictures! She sent over a teaser and I have looked at those pictures a billion times already. I feel insatiable-- I CAN'T GET ENOUGH, GET ENOUGH. ::J Cole voice:: Is that weird if I can't get enough of pictures of myself? I'm positive my friends from home are cracking up and reminding themselves of a very specific time in Jeff's basement. GUUUUUUUYS. Lets have an anniversary next year? I think we could get a little weirder? Maybe.

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