Yesterday I was off! Woo. I think it was totally perfect that I took Wednesday and Saturday off this week. I don't really mind whenever I'm on or off, but it really is nice having a break in the middle of the week to refocus or just to get out. Maui is so amazing that when you are off you have a billion options of things to do. Yesterday, Cindy and I decided to go hiking in the Bamboo Forest.
Cindy picked me up at around 12 noon and we headed on our way! The forest is on the same road to Hana, just past mile marker 6 I think. There's a sign that says "No Parking" and then you park (right in front of that sign lol) and hop a fence. Boom, you're in the forest. Totally not kidding. That is how you get to the Bamboo Forest. ahhaha. Anyways, there are some waterfalls in there and we wanted to see them so we went. We got crazy lost in the forest TWICE and since it was slippery, we were walking barefoot for most of the time. Super rugged. Hopping and scaling rocks, walking barefoot through the forest of bamboo, listening to the wind. It's amazing to listen to the wind through the bamboo. It sounds like a horse drawn carriage going down cobblestones. And I was the one really pressing to go on this hike! How ridiculous!
Cindy is so funny. She took a picture of me and goes, "I feel like I work for NatGeo out here" LOLOL. My response, "Does it could as a hike if you have no shoes on?".
Whenever we do something cool, Cindy takes a minute and really puts it into perspective. We were coolin' at the waterfall and she goes, "We just swam in a waterfall, in the middle of the rainforest with fresh cold rainwater that we had to climb a rope to get to. Alone. On an island. In the middle of the Pacific". How incredible does that sound for a Saturday afternoon?!
I love conifer trees! I really, really do.
This is the entrance to the Bamboo Forest. For real though? We just hopped barbed wire. Doot doot HOP.
So those cars behind us were prob headed to the Bamboo Forest as well. They're just parked on the side of the road. Seriously, people just hop fences into the bush and expect to find things. How outrageous is that!
Before I left this morning, Mickey gave me a hat!!!!! Well Sylvia gave it to me, but I have been wanting one of these "local" hats for a while ...and I really didn't want to buy one. BUT I LOVE THIS ONE!! They chose red because they thought I'd look good in it. So sweet. Honestly, I'm just excited that a freaking awesome windsurfer gave me one of his branded hats. And its super cool. BOOOOOOOOOM.
Bam-who? BamBOO.
I actually ditched my shirt at the car. Figured if we were going to a waterfall, I wouldn't need clothes. So...I went hiking with no shoes and no shirt. Obviously logical.
We had to cross this little plank thing to get across. Thanks for the photo Cindy! Really guys, I'm rugged. Whooooaaa.
Canopy of beautiful green! So amazing!
We hopped, skipped and jumped all these rocks. LOL. We got so lost. And my feet were burning from the hot stones!
When we saw this view, it totally took my breath away. How unbelievable is this?! Seriously, how incredible is this to look out at a forest of perfectly luscious greenery? My eyes are so spoiled.
Cindy and I!
LOL at this pose.
Anyways, after hiking in the still heat (SO HOT) we made it to the first pool! I was so excited that I was jumping on the rocks really fast. As soon as I got closer to water Cindy said, "Be careful. A lot of the rocks are covered with moss and super slippery". Literally, without fail, I fell right into the waterfall pool and hurt my foot pretty badly. I actually have a baby limp right now. Totally threw off my balance. AND I MESSED UP MY PHONE CAMERA! Super condensation on the camera so everything from this point was a little foggy. Luckily when we drove back to Haiku, Jason gave me some rice to stick that sucker in. MAGIC.
Waterfall number 1...
After I fell. Honestly, almost broke my freaking toe. Soaked shorts.
Sad face LOL
Klutzy Molly reigns supreme...again. Honestly, party fouler of the year award should go to me.
Climbing this muddy, slippery, crazy rope.
I am totally scaling these rocks. WHAATTT. Who is that chick?
Made it to waterfall number 2!!
Swimming alone...bliss.
My all time favorite picture. Perfection.
This face. Always a winner.
How cool are ripples? I stayed in the water and played with them for a bit. I can't believe this is my life.
pretty ginger!
My hiking outfit. LOL. Cindy the super-snapper photographer LOLLLL.
Totes makeup free!
Well, that was the Bamboo Forest! Cindy dropped me off at home to freshen up for dinner because we had reservations at the BEST fish house on the island!!! So exciting. I had the most delicious food and I'll spare the story but out of control, unbelievable, best fish I have EVER had in my life (even though I only started eating fish two months ago). Seriously, my palate is totally spoiled. UNREAAAALLLLL. I'm putting that in an entirely different post because it was so delicious. ahha
With warmest aloha,
OH SNAP, I don't think my halloween post is going to show on this page! On the lower right hand side, click older posts LOL. I was "Cleo-Dite"... DO IT!!!!!
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