Aloha gods and goddesses,
Quick post. After Halea'kala (and my crazy 5 hour nap to reset my body), I met up with Brian! Yay! We met in Pa'ia at the coffee shop and he is really still as funny as I thought initially. I've never drank an entire cup of coffee (I think it smells better than it tastes), unless you count this past summer driving home from the Hamptons with Sarah and having half of one of those McDonalds Chocolate Chip Caramel Whip Chocolate Goodness Frappé things. Anyways, we shared one and it really wasn't that bad. He put some stuff into it and boom. Goodness in a cup. I probably still drank less than half but whatever, I like tea. Coffee is new for me. I feel like I have these "new" experiences with the most basic things. Salad? Coffee? Aren't these just normal things? Whatever, I'm an alien. I can be awkward. I like my weird. Sue me.
Anyways, we decided to walk to the beach/sand and kick it because you can drink coffee in any coffee shop, but you can't always drink coffee at the beach. LOL, what logic. Anyways, we found this little entrance and walked down to the water which wasn't really beachy at all. It was incredibly rocky but we could see sand in the distance so we ultimately decided to SCALE the rocks, hop carefully and finagle our way to the sand which was SO FAR AWAY. That was crazy. I don't even know how I did this or how he managed to get me to do it. I am a newfound adventurer. Anyways, I got rocked by this giant wave and got splashed with tons of water which soaked the entire right side of my body. This was a somewhat spontaneous beach trip so I didn't have a beach bag or anything. I managed to stuff my wallet, phone and car keys into my skirt pocket and luckily was wearing a bikini. Anyways, after skittering across the entire coastline, we made it to the sand of Pa'ia Bay! We sat, tanned, chilled out and talked for a while. Pretty cool guy. We got into a pretty heavy conversation over the beauty of the island and how lucky we are to be here. Honestly, who would have thought I would have met someone at Pe'ahi and we would be hanging out on the beach a few days later...after scaling a ton of rocks? Better question: who would have thought it would have been me?! Anyways, I would totally fly over to Vancouver and go skiing...especially at such an awesome mountain like Whistler!! Hi Brian, I'm totally serious. See ya soon. I'm the best green circle around. When I land, lets go for salmon. I'm thinking that I'll be ready to try that by then.
HALFWAY to the sand. Seriously we walked from the other side of that rock that you can't see. My hiking shoes over here are officially flip flops. I'm damned rugged over here. Really taking this whole nature thing to an entirely new level. The world is such an incredible place. Hawai'i is so beautiful. I can't seem to get enough!

Brian trucking on through the rocks. Beach in the distance!!!! Still so far. JEEEEZUS. Seriously, I was taking my time choosing the right rocks and which ones to step on. I probably could have been crawling, seriously. Brian goes, "I would be concerned about a girl from New York but now that I know you were a goalkeeper...". My response: "BE CONCERNED!!!" Lol.
Back to work tomorrow. Wedding Saturday!
With warmest aloha,
ps. My friend seems to think that my blog makes me seem "adventurous and willing to do different things". He specifically said in the future I would look back at my blog and be like, "WOW, I WAS A WILD GIRL BACK IN HAWAI'I" (with the two nights I've gone out, I'm sure he means wild in terms of adventure). He also said that my readers that don't know the "real" me because they don't know how picky I am with what I eat, and how delicate I am, etc. LOL. Seriously, this is all newfound. I guess when in Maui?!
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