Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I'm at work (lunchtime) and I have a question for you readers. Feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments area. I think I enabled comments...

ANYWAYS. Do you think I should:

a.) keep renting paddleboards and just get really good at that
b.) book a windsurfing lesson
c.) book a kitesurfing lesson
d.) book a surfing lesson
e.) go hang gliding over the lavender fields

I don't think I should do all of them as I will actually have no money for anything else but I'm not exactly sure what I should do! I think all of them would be absolutely AMAZING and any one of them will be an awesome experience buuuut I kind of feel like since I stand up on the paddleboard it's almost surfing (completely not but whatever), windsurfing is REALLY hard and I might get frustrated when I can't do it at all (anyone who has seen me competitively knows this could end horribly), kitesurfing might fly me all the way into the ocean and put me in Molokai...or the Tahitian Express (if you never want to see me again, vote for that), and paddleboarding can be kind of tame. Maybe I'll do two. I am kind of set on Hang Gliding (if I can afford it) because I think this would be an INCREDIBLE place to do that. What do you guys think?

OH. Also, there are crazy bugs here as I've said in previous posts and I want you all to know I am now adequately prepared. I HAVE RAID. I am not outdoorsy, bug-friendly, friends of spiders, etc. Those suckers gotta go. I'm learning to co-exist with the geckos, but the bugs have GOT to go. I was about to go to sleep and got attacked by flying ants. Literally an army of them. RAIDED! My whole room is a Raid booby trap. Try me.

Mahalo for your above suggestions!

With warmest aloha, 


  1. All of them? Duh?

    But if you have to pick, D and E. Surfing is cheaper once you learn, more of a skill than paddle boarding, you can do it anywhere and you can do it with me.

    Hang gliding there sounds incredible.

    - Jordan

    PS, created an account just for you

  2. I think Hang Gliding should be a the top of the list. .think Fly Like an eagle. And definitely surfing! I think those two should be the ones and paddle boarding just for leisure activities.
